A Demon Called Doubt - Lisa U Maki
I surely know how it's like to be hurt. I have been cheated on, betrayed, neglected, and lied to so many times in my life, by people who I thought loved me. I have been violated by those who were supposed to protect me.
I have all the excuse in this world to doubt people's intentions, yet, if I choose to do so, I will not be able to build any relationship at all. If I choose to put up my wall so as not to be hurt again or deceived again, then I will also be preventing my heart from experiencing and even receiving love from others.
Doubt is a demon that was assigned by our enemy to torment you. It will rob you of your peace. It will steal your joy. It will cut off any future relationships from being built. It will destroy connections, even those connections that are Divine. Doubt is the opposite of faith. And since the Bible says that "without faith it is impossible to please God" (Hebrews 11:6), then doubt displeases God for sure.
The big problem with doubt is that it is out to prove to you that it is right. When you start entertaining it, and even believing in it, you will be influenced to make that doubt happen. The very thing you doubt about will happen to you because you will make it happen. Let me explain this further. A woman who doubts that every man will cheat on her will set herself up for it. She will be pushing her man away by her doubts and suspicions and eventually he will choose another woman over her.
This cloud of doubt still comes to me every now and then but I choose to fight it and overcome. How do I overcome? I will teach you how.
First, I convince myself that this doubt is a lie. Then, I go back to the Word of God and speak truth over my doubt. One of my favorite Scriptures in overcoming doubt is 1 Corinthians 13:7... Love is ever ready to believe the best of every person. Next, I put my trust in Jesus and not on the person I have doubt about.
I am not saying that you should not be wise in your moves and that you should just trust everyone. In fact, the best way to overcome your doubt is to make sure that the person you are dealing with or the transaction you are getting into is from God. If you know that you are in God's perfect will, then you can be assured that whatever happens, He has your back. You can check my video on "Being in God's Perfect Will" for more teaching on this topic.
Another advice I can give you is do your research. Don't just connect with someone or build a relationship with someone without checking on the person's background. This way you will not be carrying your doubt with you all the time. It is not good to build any relationship on doubt.
If you are in doubt right now over a relationship, I strongly suggest that you throw that doubt out of the window. Stop blaming the other person for your doubt. He is not the one suffering but you. Speak words of faith over your situation. Proverbs 18:21 says: Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
Finally, ask God to expose to you deep rooted issues on your doubt. Perhaps it is the abandonment you experienced from your parents. It may be your husband's cheating, or a family member who molested you, or a friend who stole money from you. The list can go on and on. Your doubt is an indicator that there are unresolved issues within you that God wants to heal and deliver you from.
Again, ask God to expose your issues, and ask Him to heal and deliver you from this demon called doubt. Until you are delivered from it, you will be hindering yourself from experiencing love, joy, and peace to the fullest. You will also get in the way of Divine connections and appointments.
Don't let the enemy steal from you any longer. Make a serious commitment to deal with that doubt issue by giving it to God, allowing Him to expose the issues within, obeying what He tells you about it, and following the advice I gave you.
It's time to say good-bye to that doubt, for real!
Lisa Maki is the founder of God'z Gurlz, a Bible-based online magazine for women whose mission is to is to provide a place where women can learn to manage their emotions, experience healing, receive love and acceptance, be free to be who God made them to be, and be the best they can be in their homes, schools, professions, relationships, and calling, through sharing of insights and experiences, counseling, prayer, and devotionals, thereby learning from and supporting each other.For more of Lisa's articles, visit http://godzgurlz.com/ Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lisa_U_MakiArticle Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7263522