Being Real, Yet Feeling Surreal - Steve Wickham
That's what the best of blessing's about. It's being real, yet feeling surreal - both states at the same time.
Life is never more abundantly real, yet it is simultaneously so resplendently surreal in its reality of blessing, known in and through the incumbent. We know we are alive, truly, and yet we cannot believe how good it feels to be alive; there is so much inner wellbeing we feel we will soon rupture. Perhaps the only fear we have is that the bubble will burst.
This, of course, is a comparative double blessing, for many or most people live without both states (real and surreal) for a good majority of their lives. But anyone can enjoy these states.
Although blessing only comes from the hand of God, we can reconcile these states as states of being - very existential, felt realities. We know them when we feel them.
Being real requires stringent adherence to honesty, even in the face of fear.
Being real is the preparation we make for the receipt of blessing; the enjoyment of the surreal.
Realness bequeaths to us, by the laws of God, eventual surrealness. The courage to live consistent with one's reality is tantamount to saying to God, "Lord, I'm ready to live for you, and to be blessed if that be your will."
Living real is casting the selfish desire into the wind, downwind so it blows away momentarily - for, we never rid ourselves of the selfish desire for too long.
Being real is the ideal preparation we make for feeling surreal.
Enjoying the surreal is probably dependent, firstly, on being real, and secondly on the actual circumstance of blessing. (Blessing can feel highly circumstantial.)
So, it can be seen that being real is the contribution to blessing that we make - we are courageous enough to be honest with ourselves in the midst of life; our life, as God has presented it.
Being surreal is like being touched by God over every part of our skin, and within every cell of our bodies, as we consciously enjoy the Presence of this living Lord, our Momentary (yet, also Eternal) Saviour.
It took realness to get to a position where the surreal came close.
Being real and feeling surreal is the state of being truly blessed. It starts with being real and is made complete by the felt, awesome blessing of God. We must do our part and be real, and trust God to do his part, in adding the blessing according to his will and timing.
© 2013 S. J. Wickham. Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner and holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: and Article Source: Article Source:
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