Make Your Marriage the Best -
By Mugendi Elizaphan
Every married couple has an opportunity to make the best marriage regardless of the many challenges facing our world today. Many forces tend to work contrary to marriages in today's world but with full determination, couples can enjoy happy lives with each other. Every couple must resolve to defy the hypes of single hood, clamor for 'freedom' and every other lie being peddled against the marriage institution.
Divergent opinions from friends, relatives, age mates and acquaintances can easily affect a couple's view of each other and marriage in general. Many of today's magazines, newspapers, television programs, talk shows and even internet contents have had and still have a very adverse effect on many marriages. These issues, to a greater extent have also twisted the view of many young men and women towards marriage.
All the above withstanding, many couples have continued to draw a lot of joy, fulfillment and contentment from their relationships. This, however, has not come easily. A lot of time and energy have been invested into the marriage to reap the benefits. Let every husband and wife take the initiative to make the best contribution towards their marriages. This is the only sure way of having it safe and secure.
If you do not create an atmosphere of security in your marriage, you will always feel insecure. Therefore, invest love to get love, mercy to get mercy, joy to get joy, forgiveness to get forgiveness, peace to get peace and compassion to get compassion. The bible says that whatsoever a man sows the same he shall reap. The same bible also says give and it shall come back to you good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall men give unto you.
Mugendi is a re-known and sought after counselor. He is involved in both individual and group counseling. Your Marriage Counselor. He is also an accomplished minister of the gospel. Article Source: Article Source:
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