The Six Words Of Christianity - By Michael J. S. Austin, Ph.D.
These six words introduce the big issues of Christianity. They help focus our thinking on the most searching, thought-provoking topics as we consider how Christianity is the final answer to the most baffling questions in the cosmos. And this is on the basis that we are already understood. Do you really understand yourself? These six words, each ending in 'ity' may help you on the trail of truth.
The Universe is here! But how do we understand it; merely in terms of modern science or have you ever thought that it may have a goal and be 'fit for purpose'? The main keys offered to open windows on reality are: pantheism, atheism, monism, naturalism, polytheism and biblical theism. Personally, having looked at all of them, I would opt for biblical theism any day. For a start it shows that we are not meaningless microbes, or a cosmic dream, or an extension of God, but truly persons with a final meaning - that is worth taking a second look!
There is no need to try to 'prove' God's existence. The claim of Scripture is clear: the true and living God has made a self-disclosure both in creation and in the amazing plan of redemption. God has revealed an eternal purpose as the central theme of Scripture that was conceived in an eternity past, revealed in time, is being outworked in the present, and will be consummated in a future eternity - for the glory of God.
A unique attribute of the 66 books of Judeo-Christian Scripture (the Bible) is their verbal inspiration. Scripture is invested with divine authority, in which the living God speaks. Here he reveals his coming in the person of Christ and the meaning of his death and resurrection. Here is revealed the gospel of Christ for all the nations, the good news of how we may all freely receive forgiveness of our sins, justification by faith and life everlasting in fellowship with God. In these pages is unsearchable wisdom, the promise of life, the character of the God of grace and love and comfort for the dying.
Our humanity is unique, what a marvel! The book of Genesis reveals a special creation that gives us identity. We are created in the image of God, with moral, rational, and personal correspondence with God, including creativity. This special position gives us a direct accountability to God the Lawgiver and sovereign Ruler. This is where we learn about the entrance of sinful revolt into our humanity. Our present situation is abnormal; it is terrible, spoiled by sin.
Into this awful ruin, God has spoken into the moral catastrophe of the Fall, and supremely in Jesus Christ whose death rescues all who turn in repentance and faith to God. Now through regeneration (or new birth), bodily resurrection and final new creation, what was lost at the Fall will be more than restored in glorious perfection, to the eternal praise of God.
Jesus' death is the final sacrifice for sin. When we begin to see the shocking and serious nature of sin to God, we also begin to see Jesus' death as an amazing wonder - God's revelation of his pure justice and his immeasurable love and mercy - at the Cross God lays bare his heart! The glory and greatness of the revelation of Christ and him crucified are nowhere more conspicuous than at the Cross! This subject, like no other reveals God and glorifies him as the Triune God. For here our sinful rebellion is dealt with - will you accept that? Will you turn in serious repentance from your own way and trust yourself to Christ, and then live for him? When you do, you really begin to live! Fruit grows on living trees, and if we have been crucified with Christ we begin to live on the basis that indwelling sin is no longer able, consistently to exert its tyranny over us. Now I have the goal of Christ-likeness in spiritual union with him. This is true spirituality. The gospel of God's grace is the basis for a living relationship with God in which, faith, prayer, obedience, a transformed life and disciplined perseverance, are some of the marks of God's grace in each of his children.
The Christian life is a deeply individual relationship between each believer and Christ by the indwelling Holy Spirit, and at the same time a relationship with fellow brothers and sisters in the new community of Christ's people. This is where we grow in faith, in God's truth and love, in our fellowship with God through Christ, and with each other. This is the work of the Spirit of God.
Now all who are 'in Christ' are new creations, God's new family, where the word of God is faithfully taught; where the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper are practiced, and biblical discipline is applied in truth and love. In this community, pastoral oversight and nurture of the family lead to maturity and biblical unity in which all the spiritual members serve in the upbuilding of the body of Christ in love, so that 'in everything he might be pre-eminent' (Colossians 1:18).
Well, that's only a start, but the six 'ity' words give you a basic introduction to Christianity. Start at the cross of Christ, start by coming to Christ today and then stay Christ-centred.
Michael J. S. Austin, Ph.D. has authored several books and many articles that offer answers for many of life's big questions - 'Is biblical Christianity finished, or does it still speak to the 21st century?' Take a look at my ebook or paperback, 'DAWKINS' DILEMMAS' to see how Richard Dawkins' atheistic belief cannot support itself, either as philosophy or science. Use the following link: My title, 'Darwin's Puzzle - Unravelling the Riddle of Reason' discusses how the evolutionary beliefs of Charles Darwin destroy human reason. He admits this when he says he inherited his thinking from monkeys. And try this link: Use my books and articles to help you find faith in Christ, or to strengthen your faith. Also find titles on other websites - Thank you! Article Source:,_Ph.D. Article Source: