The Woman after God's heart
by Pele Odiase
Who is she, where is she, where does she live? Has anyone seen or heard of her? Does she actually exist? Is she human, robot or alien? Is this reality or myth?
Her heart beats for the things of God, the bible is her source of inspiration and her focus and passion for the home is clearly seen. She rises up early and starts the day with a smile and a cheer expressing the goodness and blessing the days holds. Her words are charms of melody speaking cherished words that's music to the ear of her listeners. Not only does she expect to be loved, she loves from the depths of her heart regardless of the situation she finds herself in. The words of love you never cease to ring a bell in the heart of her spouse. She is a woman - a Beautiful woman who is after God's own Heart.
She has the wisdom to choose her friends wisely, to get rid of bad influences quickly and endeavors to be in the company of godly women enthusiastic to learn the secrets of building a successful home. Every second of the day is precious in her eyes. She plans her day, knowing exactly what needs to be done, when it should be done and how it must be done.
Her home is clean, tidy and always ready to receive visitors at anytime of the day or night. She isn't tossed to and fro by the whims and charms of the society, neither moved by peer pressure nor prompting from family and siblings. Her first priority after her God is her husband. She challenges any form of suggestion, comments or insinuations that ridicules him or his decisions. She covers his weaknesses and makes him feel like superman. She never puts him down nor let her family know of his short comings or deficiencies. In her eyes he is king, in the eyes of others he is the perfect man, husband and father, hardworking and always able to provide for all the family's needs. She speaks to the king inside of him, disperses his fears, and draws out his strengths which motivate him to love more.
Her husband longs to come home from work to a place of comfort peace and respite from the busy and hectic life at work. He is welcomed by her warm arms around him, with the whispers he longs to hear all day. His words are keenly listened to with every word heard and understood. He is not bugged down with only news from her, but he also gets to be heard and given an environment to shares his vision for life and passion for work.
His ideas are not ignored, ridiculed or disregarded. He finds encouragement from her lips to keep on ticking when the world only presents discouragements and doubts. He feels appreciated in her presence; her words are jewels to his ears and music in echoes of war. His unspoken words are heard loud and clear, the mysteries of his eyes are easily discerned.
Has anyone seen or heard of her? Who is she, where is she, where does she live? Does she actually exist? Is she human, robot or alien? Is this reality or myth? OR Are you that woman after God's Heart? Examine yourself and ask God to to continue to Help you be that woman of God's own Heart! - God Bless.
About the Author - Dr. P is dedicated to providing candid and virtuous views and insights to help marriages and families maximise their potential in family values, relationship and finances.
Source :
“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” - Proverbs 31: 29- 30
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