Deadly sin - Comparing

Deadly sin - Comparing

Why is it so hard to maintain our identity? In our heads we understand that we are unique individuals, yet our hearts weigh us down with insecurities. Have you experienced an emotional high that comes from doing your best at something?  A project completed, improvement in a desired skill set…

And then, the thief of our peace comes in whispering, “Did you see how much better ______ did? How many more _______.”

“Why can’t “I” get it together like that person, we wonder, deflated.

Galations 5:7-8

You were running the race so well. Who has held you back from following the truth?  It certainly isn’t God, for he is the one who called you to freedom

Stop wasting valuable life comparing.

I am me. You are you. They are, well, them.

There will always be someone faster, smarter, more disciplined, better looking, more charismatic, and in the case of writers, have more popular blogs.


We don’t need to worry about any of that. We are created to offer specific things to our world.  Each of us, we don’t want to miss out on doing that by blindly getting sidetracked by what someone else has going on. Give from the endless well that we are each sourced with; when we remember that it isn’t about us, but God through us.

We forget 2 Timothy 1:7

For God has NOT given us a spirit of fear (I can’t do this)

 and timidity, (they are better, further along than me)

but of power, (watch out world, God is going to bless you through me)

love, (we are enough, because of Jesus. No more is required)

and self-discipline. (Practice improving, be content)

Let us focus on what who we are. Brave, confident, powerful, loved, disciplined. Doesn’t match up with how we feel? Maybe not yet, but we are capable. We are trained up to compare; gauge ourselves against our fellow mankind. Wrongly.

I am going to practice that self-discipline starting today, with not comparing. It’ll be hard. Ongoing. Worth it. I hope you will join me.

If this spoke to your heart today, please consider sharing and comment below if you have something to add to bless others.