“I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation” - (Psalm 13:5).
Thoughts for Today
When a young boy came running into the house after playing outside, his mother stopped him, asking, “What is on your right hand?”
“Oh, just a little mud,” he replied.
“Are you planning to get it off your hand?” she asked.
“Sure, Mom, I’ll just wipe it off with my other hand.”
There was only one problem with the boy’s plan. One dirty hand and one clean hand equal two dirty hands.
Many people are like this little boy. Deep down they are conscious of their sin and rebellion and of their need of cleansing, but they think that they can clean themselves by doing some good deed or charity work.
Just as the mother had to put her son’s hands under running water to clean them, so you must put your life under the blood of Jesus Christ. Only the resurrected Christ can cleanse you from sin. Only the resurrected Christ can transform your destination from hell to heaven.
There is a need in each of us to do things for ourselves—to be self-reliant. If we have a problem, we want to fix it. If we want something, we try to get it. This need to be independent carries over into our relationship with Christ. But we soon discover that we cannot redeem ourselves from our sinful nature. We cannot work our way into God’s favor. We must come to Him in complete surrender and obedience, seeking His forgiveness for our sins.
Without Christ, our lives are meaningless and empty. Peter reminds us, “In [God’s] great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:3).
Prayer: Our Loving Heavenly Father,
Thank You for cleansing me from my sin. I surrender my life to You and pray You will lead me into paths of righteousness. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, In Jesus Loving Name I Pray, Amen."
Have a Blessed Friday and God Bless you.Courtesy : Daily Devotionals Team